Rabu, 03 September 2014

Download Metal Slug Defense v 1.0.0 Modded APK

Metal Slug Defense- maybe some people already know what Metal Slug is, a 2D games that has side scrolling shooter developed by Neo Geo SNK Playmore and released by in 1996 when it was this game featuring with the two soldiers named Marco and Tarma. At that time Metal Slug have milion fans around the world, i already know the older version at first i saw the tittle i think it will be same as the older but, after download it i realized im wrong, it's different. Metal Slug Defense is a tower defenses game, when i start to playing i bit disappointed because i want a game like the older version, but after play it for several hours i think i already change my mind.

Metal Slug Defense

I will explain the gameplay of metal slug defense, when come to play you will take a control of an army and going to battle with enemy, at this battle you must destroy enemy's tower using your army, at beginning you will only be helped by one attacker and one defense soldier if you want to buy more army you only can using medals and honestly, it's a bit hard to earn. At metal slug defense you aren't just destroy the enemy, but saving some people that captived, at this moment is a bit hard to find the prisoner is because they are hidden in the battle way, to make them run to you, you must to throw grenade at the right place. When playing you can't carelessly called your army if haven't have AP (army points) but don't worry it automatically generate once you on the battle arena, but i recomended to always upgrade it.

As i said before if you want a better army you must buy with medals, at this rate you can buy come unique character even more stronger, i recomended you buy tank at the first time but, also you can buy bikers, robots, drill machine, small to large rocket launchers, buldozer and many more. you can compose an army you owned on the features menu on the Deck Costumize and upgrade army on the features of the Unit. Beside medals you'll need Metal Slug Points (MSP) it using to some upgrade, but unlike medals MSP still not really hard to earn.
Metal Slug Defense

For the one that like to competition you can using Wifi's feature, you will not battle with the enemy or saving prisoner again but you will fight another metal slug user, before come down to the battle area make sure you have stronger army, i just say. Not only that metal slug has other game mode it called mission, but you don't have to fight with your own army.

First thing that come to my mind Metal Slug is a strategy game and tower defenses that similar to Line Ranger, but the different is Metal Slug Defenses has more challenge graphic and audio. The character on metal slug are more like army even there is a tank or human, unlike LR that the graphic has cartoon sense. Before playing MSD i played LR so it isn't hard for me to play, but i think MSD is a little bit hard, so don't think twiced to try it.

Download Metal Slug Defense v 1.0.0 via Google Play [HERE]
Download Metal Slug Defense v 1.0.0 APK [HERE]
Download Metal Slug Defense v 1.0.0 Modded APK [HERE] or here

NB: I already try the modded apk it's work but i found it hard to login on the g+ after that.

Download Metal Slug Defense v 1.0.0 Modded APK Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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